• You can earn stamps just by registering as a member & posting on each social networking site!
After logging in, collect stamps by reading the QR code installed at each spot.
*Only one stamp of the spot per day.
Please turn on cookies on your browser when acquiring stamps.
Yorozuya Shouten
Soba restaurant YUI
ムスカン 大船店
Abu's Café
How to participate in the stamp rally
Create account & Log in
You must be logged in to collect stamps.
Make sure to log in after registering.
*Email required to register
Collect stamps by scanning the QR code
installed at each spots!
Stay logged in and collect stamps by reading the QR code
installed at each spot.
*Only one stamp of the spot per day.
Please turn on cookies on your browser when collecting stamps.
Collect stamps and apply
for accommodation tickets and events!
Hoe to use Stamps
Apply for accommodation tickets and events using
stamps from your collection.
Send requests from your device and you're all set!
All you have to do is wait for the lottery results!
*Apply from My Page after logging in
Please turn on cookies on your browser when using the stamps.
The more you visit,
the more you collect stamps!
Shonan has many interesting areas!
Enjoy visiting them through the Stamp rally!
We have confirmed that it works with iOS 10 or higher safari browser and Android OS6 or higher chrome browser.

Related Links

If your model requires a QR code reader, please download it from the respective store.

*If you cannot scan the QR code with your phone's camera app, please use a QR code app.
*Please acquire the QR Code application for the model of your phone.
*The above apps are just examples and are not guaranteed to work. Please acquire an appropriate app for your device.